February 09, 2018 3 min read

Whilst I really do love diamonds, the idea that diamonds are a girl's best friend is a little outdated.

These days, although diamonds are still thought to be timeless and elegant stones, they're definitely not the only way to profess your love to your bride-to-be and there’s plenty of alternative stones to choose from!

Choosing a gem in the preferred colour of your partner-to-be could mean that you end up with a far more meaningful proposal. If you're looking for something with a little more character than the standard diamond, there are plenty of alternative stones out there to choose from.

Here are some of my favourites.

  1. The Sapphire

There's something incredibly graceful about the classic Sapphire in deep, royal blue. Sapphires come in many different shades, but blue is the most popular colour of all, conveying ideas of luxury and loyalty. A sapphire appeared in one of the most famous engagement rings in the world as a feature stone for Princess Diana's engagement ring, which now belongs to Kate Middleton.

  1. The Ruby

Rubies are one of the best-known precious stones in the world. The luxurious blood-red colouring of rubies makes them a fantastic way to convey feelings of love, lust, and passion. The great news is that Rubies are also exceptionally durable, so they'll continue to shine year after year, no matter how busy your bride-to-be's hands might be.

  1. The Amethyst

Raw amethysts are relatively easy to get your hands on, which can lead some people to believe that they're not as valuable or beautiful as a diamond. However, the truth is that when an amethyst is well cut, it can be an unforgettable centre stone in a wedding or engagement ring. Amethysts feature a naturally romantic lavender or deep purple hue which works great with rose gold and silver metals.

  1. The Emerald

Emeralds are highly luxurious and precious stones, like rubies, amethysts, and sapphires. With their deep green tone, emeralds are a highly popular stone for engagement rings, but they're not seen as commonly today as they once were. When set in the right ring, emeralds can look modern and timeless. Emeralds work best with silver and white gold bands.

  1. Morganite

What could be more romantic and feminine than a soft pink stone? Morganite comes from the same family of stones as the emerald. These stunning gems are one of the most popular choices available for engagement and wedding bands today. Morganite works perfectly with rose gold, white gold or silver rings, and they're quite hard-wearing too.

  1. Topaz

If you're looking for something that's both diverse and reliable, Topaz could be the perfect solution for you. A pure topaz is entirely colourless, like a diamond. However, imperfections in the stone can create shades of green, pink, blue, orange and red that are impossible to ignore. Topaz is a sturdy stone, and the range of colours means that the gem you choose can go well with almost any metal.

  1. Opal

Opals are some of the most unique and attractive stones in the engagement and wedding ring market today. Though previously seen as "old-fashioned" opals have made a couple back in recent years thanks to their stunning rainbow shades. Opals are available in white, crystal, and black shades depending on their vibrancy and they can reflect a petrol-streak effect when they move. No two opals will ever be alike.

  1. Peridot

Finally, peridots are one of the only available gemstones in the world that can only be found in a single colour. The unique olive-green shade of the peridot makes it highly appealing for anyone with a love for more natural tones. Peridots are brighter in colour than their emerald counterparts, and they've long had a reputation for being a token of appreciation. According to history books, Napoleon gave his first wife peridot as a symbol of his admiration.

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